Supabase - Row Level Security



Authentication vs Authorization

Row-level Security is PostgreSQL's (the database engine used by Supabase) method of auth for each row of a database table.
Access Policies
PostgreSQL's method of allowing access to each row in a database table.

Slides - Authentication vs Authorization

Key Takaways

  • In Supabase: - Authentication happens first with the <anon> apiKey token. - Authorization happens second with the Authorization Bearer token.
  • Even if RLS is Disabled, users still need an <anon> API key to read or make changes to a database table.

Enable Row Level Security

  • The last thing we will do today is enable RLS policies for our tables.
  • Find this in the Authentication Tab, in Policies, you can add RLS policies
  • Once you do, you won’t be able to fetch anymore
  • However if you add a new policy for read access to anyone, you’ll be again able to retrief data, but it’ll only be readable (before you could also push data)


  • Enable RLS and Read for everyone policies to the movie rental tables (even just 1 or 2 will do for practice)
  • Then recreate 2 of the queries from day 2 in postman

Read, Write, Update Policies

Connect Supabase to Nuxt

  • Use the Nuxt Supabase Module
  • Steps:
    • install the module as a dev dependency
    • add it to your nuxt config in the modules list
    • create a .env file (project root) = Add your SUPABASE_URL and your SUPABASE_KEY
  • The Supabase Nuxt Module is really a wrapper for the supabase-js module

Fetch Data from Supabase

  • Demo Repo
    • review this source code for examples
  • Sample request using the select statement
const client = useSupabaseClient();
const { data } = await useAsyncData("film", async () => {
  const { data } = client.from("film").select("title", "description");
  return data;

Activity (pair code): Render movie list

  • Connect a nuxt install to your movie database using the Nuxt module instructions
  • query a list of 10 movies from to a Nuxt API route
  • pass the data to your app.vue file and render it with a v-for list

Today's Achievement

Work on your assignments