House Rules

Daily Schedule

  1. Class begins 8:30am sharp in MD319, except: - CPNT 264: Career and Consulting Essentials - Dasa will email you with details - CPLN 240: Guest Speaker Day - You will receive information by email
  2. Lunch from 12:00pm - 1:00pm - There will also be multiple breaks throughout the day.
  3. There will be opportunities to earn late starts and early dismissals! Ask your instructors for details.

One-on-ones with Instructors

Contact an Instructor anytime (response time usually within a day) if you have a private non-coding concern or question.

Ashlyn Knox

Temitope Elodimuor

Coding help

For coding help, it’s encouraged you (in this order):

  1. Spend an honest amount of effort toward solving the problem yourself;
  2. During class time: Questions are always welcomed. Chances are your question will help others as well.
  3. Outside of class time: - Post a question in the #winter-2024 or general channel on Slack;
  4. Last resort: you can DM your instructor for coding help outside of class time but don’t expect a response until next class.