CPNT 201

Assignment 1 - Three Deployed GitHub Pages Templates

Weight: 20%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.


In this assignment, you will deploy three distinct static website templates that could be customized for a fictitious business of your choice.

Scenario: You have landed a new client! They want to choose a template for their new website at the next meeting. You want to impress them with three that are:

  • Deployed (i.e. published) on GH Pages
  • Visually distinct with respect to UX/UI
  • Customized with the company details
    • The name can be made up
    • Optional: A logo can be an icon from Font Awesome or similar source


  1. Search online for three free, and distinct, static website templates that could be customized for your selected client;
  2. Deploy each template to GH Pages, naming each repo “cpnt201-a1-[template-name]“;
  3. Make at least three customizations to each template as separate commits.
    • At the end of this assignment, you should have made at least 12 commits; three for each of the three customizations, plus your initial commits (which are not counted for marks).

Marking Rubric

This assignment will be marked out of 20 points.

GitHub Setup: 4 points

  1. Local name and email address should be set correctly in your Git config;
  2. GitHub Profile should be updated with:
    • Profile photo
    • Bio
    • Location
    • Optional: LinkedIn, Twitter, etc

Distinctiveness: 4 points

The three templates will collectively be scored on their visual distinctiveness and should offer a diverse choice for the client. They should:

  • be visually distinct from the other two templates;
  • represent, collectively, a wide variety of layout elements (cards, sliders, gallery, etc).
  • be from different template authors (but they can be from the same marketplace).

Each Template: 4 points (12 points total)

  1. Deployment: 1 point
    • Each template should be deployed using GitHub Pages (not with a GH theme) and be viewable on a mobile device.
    • Your first commit should be the unmodified template with a commit message of “initial commit”.
  2. Committed Changes: 3 points (1 point for each commit)
    • Each template repository should have at least three commits (in addition to your initial commit) that customizes content on the home page. For example:
      • page titles and headings (commit 1),
      • page logo/icon (commit 2),
      • primary navigation (commit 3).
    • Each change should be captured in its own commit with a descriptive message.
    • The changes themselves will not be marked but cannot break the design.

Submitting Your Assignment

In order to receive a grade, you must:

  1. Deploy each template to a separate GitHub Pages repository named cpnt201-a1-[template-name].
  2. Zip your projects/repos and submit them to Brightspace.
  3. Include links to each GitHub repo and GH Pages site as a comment with your Brightspace submission. You should have six links total. Points will be deducted for missing links.