CPNT 201

Assignment 3 - Tailwind in a Branch

Weight: 20%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.


Use TailwindCSS to style a web page. You can use the code from a previous assignment or write new code, either is acceptable. Practice using this utility class framework to either recreate the styles that you made in vanilla css or try building content from scratch.

If you use code from a previous assignment, it must be copied into a new repo for this assignment

For this assignment you will be installing TailwindCSS via a CDN.


  • Assignment criteria must be implemented using TailwindCSS utility classes and modifiers.
  • Your work should not be trivial. Using Tailwind classes and modifiers that create basic effects on the page may not earn full marks.
  • Use Tailwind to create practical effects that would be used in a real web project.

Marking Criteria

Each of the following requirements will be worth 4 points for a total of 20 points.

1. Accessible Text

Use Tailwind classes to create an accessible block of long-form text:

  • Increase the default font size to more than the default 16px
  • Increase the line-height to more than the default 1.2
  • Limit the maximum line length on wide screens
  • Set a text colour and background colour while preserving AA contrast ratio
  • Centre the text on the screen on wide screens
  • Ensure that headings and paragraphs are spaced appropriately

2. Pseudo-classes

Use at least THREE Tailwind modifiers to conditionally activate a utility class. Popular examples:

See the Pseudo-class Reference for a complete list of available pseudo-classes.

3. Layouts

Use Flexbox or CSS Grid with Tailwind to create a layout such as:

  • Horizontal nav bar
  • Image gallery
  • Hero section
  • etc.

4. Media Queries

Use responsive media queries to make at least one mobile-first breakpoint (i.e. use lg: instead of sm:) that conditionally changes the presentation of your page, such as:

  • Create a mobile nav menu button
  • Change a full-page layout (i.e. create a side nav bar on desktop devices)
  • Make font size and margin/padding larger on desktop screens

Full marks will be given for work that is not trivial and represents media query effects that would be used in an actual production website.

5. Git Branch

Demonstrate your knowledge of Git branches by doing your work in a branch called 201-a3.

  1. Push this branch to GitHub
  2. Merge your 201-a3 branch into main so they are in sync
  3. Publish your main branch to GitHub Pages.

Submission Requirements

  • Add a README.md file to the root of your project that contains:
    • your name
    • course and assignment number
    • link to deployed github page
    • link to github repo
    • attributions to assets
  • Push this assignment to a GitHub repo named cpnt201-a3 and enable GitHub Pages;
  • ZIP all files required for the site to operate and submit to Brightspace;
  • Include links to the following as a comment in your Brightspace submission:
    • GH repo
    • Direct link to your 201-a3 branch
    • GH Pages site