CPNT 201

Assignment 4 - Vite Project with a Pull Request

Weight: 20%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.


  1. Create a new Vanilla Vite project.
  2. Modify package.json according to the requirements listed in the Marking Criteria.
  3. Modify the project structure according to the requirements listed in the Marking Criteria.
  4. Initialize project as a Git repository and make your changes in a branch called 201-a4
  5. Install a date library as an ESM module and demonstrate its use on the default Vanilla Vite home page.
  6. Install a second npm package of your choice and demonstrate its use.
  7. Add your changes to main branch as a Pull Request.
  8. Deploy your project to a free host that supports Vite.

Marking Criteria

Each of the following requirements will be worth 4 points for a total of 20 points.

1. npm project setup

Initialize an npm project that has properly formatted package.json and .gitignore files:

  • Project name set to 201-a4
  • Project description set to an a description of the assignment
  • Project type set to module
  • Project main script set to the name of the entry page of your project
  • Project author set to your name
  • Project license set to MIT
  • .gitignore file present that excludes node_modules directory, along with common Mac and Windows files/extensions
    • This file will be set up for you when you initialize a project with Vite

2. Vite Project Improvements

Make the following improvements to Vite’s default vanilla project setup:

  • Move .js files to a dedicated js directory
  • Move .css files to a dedicated css directory
  • Move images (such as .png, .svg, etc) to a dedicated images directory
    • This includes the vite.svg image located in the public directory

3. Date Library

Install a date library such as DayJS, luxon or date-fns:

  • Library listed as a local dependency in package.json
  • Library imported into a Node or Vite project using ES Module import syntax
  • Project installs fresh dependencies properly when npm install is entered from the command line
  • Main script runs when npm run dev is entered from the command line
  • Using your chosen date library, output:
    • the current date to the vanilla Vite home page in the following format: “Today’s date: Oct 30, 2023”;
    • The number of days since this program started on Sept 5, 2023.

4. Above and Beyond

Install a second npm package of your choice and demonstrate its use in your project.

  • Library listed as a local dependency in package.json
  • Library imported into a Node or Vite project using ES Module import syntax
  • Project installs fresh dependencies properly when npm install is entered from the command line
  • Main script runs when npm run dev is entered from the command line
  • Package either makes a visual change to the Vite project output or improves the project in some non-trivial way
  • Include link to your chosen package in your README

5. Pull Request and Deployment

Demonstrate your knowledge of GitHub Pull Requests by adding your work from a PR created from a branch called 201-a4.

  1. Push 201-a4 branch to GitHub
  2. Merge your changes into main from a Pull Request created from your pushed branch
  3. Deploy your project to a free host that supports Vite, such as Vercel or Netlify

Submission Requirements

  • Add a README.md file to the root of your project that contains:
    • your name
    • course and assignment number
    • link to deployed github page
    • link to github repo
    • attributions to assets
  • ZIP all files required for the site to operate and submit to Brightspace;
  • Include links to the following as a comment in your Brightspace submission:
    • GH repo
    • Direct link to your 201-a4 Pull Request
    • Deployed site link