CPNT 260

Assignment 3 - Hero Section with Call-to-Action

Weight: 10%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.

Content topic

The goal of this assignment is to build a Hero Section that directs the user to click a Call-to-Action link:

  • Choose a Hero title (could be a site title or the topic of your page);
  • Choose a placeholder image for the background of your Hero section;
    • Image can be hosted by Lorem Picsum (or similar service);
    • The image should support (or at least not distract from) your chosen topic;
  • Choose a phrase and link for your Call-to-Action that makes sense with your chosen topic;
  • Make it funny/pretty/useful!


  1. Create a index.html page with a semantic <header> containing a heading and Call-to-Action card;
  2. Use valid HTML and CSS;
    • CSS must be linked externally in an ./css/[style|main|etc].css;
  3. Design a full page layout of a site’s Hero Section and Call-to-Action according to the requirements listed below.

Marking Rubric

Each of the following requirements will be worth 2 points for a total of 10 points.

1. Content

  • New: Leave some content under the <header> so that the page can scroll. It can be anything;
  • Display and Text fonts should not be default and have proper fallbacks;
  • If HTML images are used, they cannot be distorted and should scale to fit the design;
  • font-size and line-height should be larger than browser defaults;
  • Content should be at least 1rem away from all boundaries (sides of screen, containers, cards, etc);
  • Text should have at least a AA contrast ratio rating for its size.
  • No text overlapping high-frequency image areas at any screen size;

2. Hero section

  • All Hero content wrapped in a <header> element for screen readers;
  • One level 1 heading for your Hero topic (unless it is the Site Title) in a Display font; this is in addition to the Call-to-Action;
  • Heading font-size should be large and obvious;
  • Full-viewport background CSS image that runs to the left, top and right edges of the screen and should take up at least 50% of the screen;
  • Call-to-Action (see below) added in a balanced layout with heading text;
  • Add any additional content that does not interfere with the rest of the assignment requirements;

3. Call-to-Action card

  • At least one paragraph/phrase (max 50 words) accompanying the CTA link;
  • Optional: additional level 2 or 3 heading for CTA;
  • Line length should not exceed 40 characters on wide screens;
  • The CTA card should appear self-contained and separate from Hero title (i.e. doesn’t need to have a visible boundary);
  • Only clickable area should be a link (or two) styled to look like a button (i.e. make it look obviously clickable);
  • There should be a custom colour defined for Call-to-Action link;
  • Hover effect added to button to confirm to the user that it’s clickable;

4. Above and Beyond

Show off your coding skills by using ONE (use of more than one does not guarantee more marks) of the following:

  • A GitHub Project board with 5 or or more cards that you used to manage your work on this assignment;


5. Documentation and Code Readability

In addition to the standard requirements, include the following in your README.md:

  • A helpful resource that helped you with this assignment;
  • the search term you would use to find this resource again.

Plus these:

  • Include a README.md at the root of your project that contains the following information:
    • Course title;
    • Assignment name;
    • Author name;
    • GH Pages site
    • Attributions for code and/or assets you used that are not your own.
  • Use best practices with file/directory names and indentation:
  • CSS declarations should be organized by category (box model, fonts, borders, flex, etc), separated by a space and commented.

Submission Requirements

  • Push this assignment to a GitHub repo named cpnt260-a3 and enable GitHub Pages;
  • ZIP all files required for the site to operate and submit to Brightspace;
  • Include the following as a comment in your Brightspace submission:
    • GH repo
    • GH Pages site