CPNT 260

Assignment 4 - Full-page Layout

Weight: 10%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.

In this assignment, you will be creating a full-page layout of a web page!

Content topic

The goal of this assignment is to create an internal page of a traditional website, such as a:

  • Blog post;
  • Contact page;
  • About page;
  • a 404 Page Not found page;
  • etc.

To create this page you will:

  • Choose a site title, owner, concept for your site;
  • Choose a list of four (or more) your primary navigation menu;
    • You do not have to create content for any other pages;
    • Link to # or choose an external site of your choice.
  • Populate the main area of the page with (well-formed and accessible) content of your choice;
  • Add a footer with copyright info at the bottom of the page;
  • Make it funny/pretty/useful!


  1. Create a index.html page with the following semantic elements:
    • <header> - Site banner
    • <nav> - Primary navigation
    • <main> - Page content
    • <footer> - Copyright information
  2. Use valid HTML and CSS;
    • New: CSS must be linked externally in an ./css/[style|main|etc].css;
  3. Design a full page layout of a site’s web page according to the requirements listed below.

Marking Rubric

Each of the following requirements will be worth 2 points for a total of 10 points.

1. Horizontal Flexbox navigation

Build a horizontal primary navigation menu that:

  • contains at least four navigation links (link href may be #);
  • includes a logo and/or site name;
  • is accessible (see below);
  • uses colour and the box model to make links obviously and easily clickable;
  • highlights the current page by displaying the link differently than the others;
  • uses a <ul> as a flex container and <li> as items;
  • justify the links to fit your design.

2. Content and Techniques

Build a page of valid HTML (W3C HTML Validator) page content and with a footer:

  • Page content:
    • Content that matches the theme of your page (you may use content from openly licensed sources, previous assignments or sample code given in);
    • Use a diverse mix of elements and techniques learned in this course.
    • Incorporate content and techniques not taught in this course.
  • Footer:
    • Copyright year with © HTML entity;
    • Site owner;

3. Responsiveness and Accessibility

Your content should be responsive and accessible to screen readers:

  • Use a media query to either display the navigation vertically or replace the navigation with a menu toggle;

Plus these:

  • All navigation should be wrapped in a <nav> element;
    • <nav> can be nested inside a <header>
  • The page has a <title> in the <head>;
  • Main page content is wrapped in a <main> container;
  • Footer content is wrapped in a <footer> container at the bottom of the page;
  • The page content is a readable size and not touch the edge of any boundary (such as a background colour change).
  • Line length should not exceed 40 characters on wide screens;
  • No horizontal scroll bars should be visible at any device screen width;
  • On mobile, content should be at least 1rem away from the edge of the screen;
  • Text should have at least a AA contrast ratio rating for its size;

4. Above and Beyond

Show off your coding skills by using ONE (use of more than one does not guarantee more marks) of the following:

  • add a social navigation menu in the footer, OR;
  • incorporate an inline SVG image for your company logo, OR;
  • Google Map in the footer.

Provide a clear indication of which option you’ve chosen in your README (see below):

  • Which did you choose?
  • What file(s) and line number(s) can it be found?

5. Documentation and Code Quality

In addition to the standard requirements, include the following in your README.md:

  • A helpful resource that helped you with this assignment;
  • the search term you would use to find this resource again.

Plus these:

  • Include a README.md at the root of your project that contains the following information:
    • Course title;
    • Assignment name;
    • Author name;
    • GH Pages site
    • Attributions for code and/or assets you used that are not your own.
  • Use best practices with file/directory names and indentation:
  • CSS declarations should be organized by category (box model, fonts, borders, flex, etc), separated by a space and commented.

Submission Requirements

  • Push this assignment to a GitHub repo named cpnt260-a3 and enable GitHub Pages;
  • ZIP all files required for the site to operate and submit to Brightspace;
  • Include the following as a comment in your Brightspace submission:
    • GH repo
    • GH Pages site