CPNT 260

Final Project - Three-page Website

Weight: 30%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.

In this assignment, you will use all the knowledge learned in this course to deploy a multi-page static website based on a topic of your choice.

Base Requirements

All pages and code in this assignment will be graded against the following requirements (see past Assignments for details), in addition to the specific rubric category requirements:

  • Accessibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Code quality and readability
  • Project README with:
    • Course and assignment information
    • Author name
    • Attributions

Marking Rubric

The following criteria will be worth a total of 30 points.

A gallery of image-based cards such as a product list on an online store, players on a sports team, movies playing in a theatre, etc.

  • At least 9 cards
  • 2-4 per items row on desktop; 1 per row on mobile;
  • Cards entirely clickable like in Assignment 2;
  • Each item card must include an image, title and details/description;
    • Images must be locally hosted. For example, Lorem Picsum or other absolute web links not permitted;
    • Images can either be HTML or CSS images;
  • Link can go to external website.

5 Points: Locally hosted image files

  • Image files stored in a dedicated images directory next to your css directory;
  • Open-source or your own images that match the topic of your project (if possible);
  • Proper file and directory naming conventions;
  • File resolutions/sizes appropriate for use in a thumbnail gallery.

10 Points: Additional pages

At least two pages of your choice in addition to the Gallery page to make up a three-page website. You must incorporate at least three of the following page elements, in total:

  • Contact form driven by Formspree or similar service;
  • Hero section and call to action containing at least two image elements such as:
    • CSS background image,
    • HTML image,
    • CSS gradient
  • Blog post containing:
    • Level 2 and level 3 headings (in addition to level 1 page title);
    • At least one list, either bulleted or numbered;
    • at least 200 words of your own text (no lorem ipsum or text copied from openly licensed sources);
  • A 1x3 card block: one row of three cards on desktop (one column of 3 rows on mobile);
  • Embedded video in an <iframe> with proper labels/context (i,e, headings and description) and attributions;

Important: Duplication of CSS across your pages should be minimized. Separate your CSS into logical files based on which pages need them. For example, your CSS directory could look like this:

  • main.css
  • fonts.css
  • about.css
  • gallery.css
  • home-page.css

5 points: Global layout elements

The following persistent layout elements must exist on every page of the project:

  • Global page banner with logo and site title
  • Global Navigation
    • Current page highlighted and obvious to the user;
    • Hover effects added to navigation links;
    • Mobile navigation menu (can be a vertical menu);
  • Footer with:

5 points: Above and Beyond

Incorporate one of the following techniques that were not covered in class:

  • Sticky footer: when a page doesn’t have enough content to fill the page, the footer should still sit at the bottom of the page.
    • Note: one of your pages should be short enough to show the footer “sticking” to the bottom of the page;


  • Mobile hamburger menu toggle: A CSS-only (you can use Javascript, if desired) button that shows and hides your global navigation on mobile screens.


  • Your instructor is open to suggestions…

Submission Requirements

  • Push this assignment to a GitHub repo named cpnt260-final-project and enable GitHub Pages;
  • ZIP all files required for the site to operate and submit to Brightspace;
  • Include the following as a comment in your Brightspace submission:
    • GH repo
    • GH Pages site