CPNT 262

Assignment 1 - Bring a webpage to life

Weight: 20%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.


For this assignment, you will create a full html web page that uses minimal styling. The main focus is to create interactive content by way of toggles and other types of user input. This assignment is functionally a summary of CPNT-260 and the first half of CPNT-262 as your html and css is required to be well written and following industry conventions.

For a topic, you can use any concept you like and you are welcome to reuse html and css from CPNT-260 assignments; however, a new repository is required (note copied content in your commit message).

The objective of this assignment is to be a final chance to sharpen and demonstrate your understanding of javascript syntax and general programming concepts.


  1. In a new Github repo, create a webpage.
    • Text and image content can all be placeholders like lorem ipsum, but the images do need to be optimized and stored in an assets/images/ directory
    • Minor Color and Typography theming is required (ie: minimal noted styles in DSGN-270 assignments)
      • 2 typefaces
      • 2 colors + a shade of black and white to be used consistently
    • For the navigation bar, use anchor tags that scroll down the page (3-5 headings)
    • there should be a header and footer
    • there should be a 3 card layout or 9 image gallery (generated with JS in step 2)
    • There should be 2 types of input fields (text, checkboxes, radio buttons)
    • There should be a button (that’s not part of a form/input fields)
  2. Render your cards or images from an array of objects
    • use javascript to generate your card or image layout
  3. Add 2 toggles
    • for example:
      • navigation mobile menu toggle
      • classList toggle
      • hide/show an info box
  4. In your readme, outline the features that you have implemented and their respective line numbers in your client.js file


5 Points: HTML Web Page

  • A web page with nav, header, 3-5 sections, and footer
  • Use of Semantic HTML
  • Code indentation
  • Minimal styling is applied and functions as expected
  • CSS manipulated at least once with javascript
  • Images or cards are rendered from a javascript array of objects
  • Image assets are stored in an assets/images directory
  • A loop is used to render your content

5 Points: Toggles

  • There are 2 working toggles
  • Conditionals are used
  • Page doesn’t refresh on click
  • They are written as functions

5 Points: README and General Requirements

  • README contains information about bugs that you ran into and what their solution was (and sources that helped you)
  • Code is well commented
  • JS is in ‘use strict’ mode
  • Code indentation and whitespace has been well organized
  • Minimal error handling is used in functions
  • Code has been pushed in at least 4 commits with descriptive and accurate commit messages

Submission Instructions

  1. As a comment in D2L: share links to make it easy for the instructor to quickly evaluate your work:
    • GH repos, Pages, Projects (Beta), etc.
    • Codepens, Figma, FigJam, etc.
  2. Double check the Activity for specific instructions.
  3. If applicable, include a README containing the following;
    • Activity name and author;
    • Attributions: Did anyone help you? Give credit to any classmates, articles, tutorials, etc that helped you complete this project.
    • Include self-assessments, observations, research, etc under the heading “Code Journal” in your README.
  4. Zip project repo and submit it.