Career and Consulting

Next steps

After Graduation

  • Whats Next?

    • Start Building a Network
    • Focus your projects
    • Target companies, not listings
    • Budget your time
    • Update your resume constantly
    • Continue learning
    • Watch for red flags
    • Constantly write about your learnings

Career Tracks you can pursue

  • Backend (Node, Python, C#, PHP, OOP, software architecture) — deepen Ruby knowledge, Python or Node.JS basics, delve into mobile with Swift — Backend Developer or Fullstack Developer.

  • Databases (SQL, ActiveRecord) — data science fundamentals (Python, deeper SQL — Data Analyst or Backend Developer.

  • Frontend (HTML, CSS, Javascript) —get to know a frontend framework like React, Angular or Vue , try mobile development with React Native— Frontend Developer.

  • UI/UX design (mockups, visual identity, user testing) — UI principles, UX design, UX tools — UX Designer, UI Designer, Frontend Developer

  • Product (target-pain-solution, user flow/journey, management) — User Analytics tools, aspects of product Management — Product Manager

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