CPNT 265

Achievements Round 1

Weight: 30%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.

Course Achievements - 40 points

Present User stories, designs and wireframes

In today’s daily achievement dropbox, submit the following links:

  • A link to your user stories. You can use any boards including but not limited to Github project board, Trello, Click up, Jira).
  • A link to wireframes and figma designs.
  • Ensure the project board or figma and wireframe links are public so it can be accessed for grading.

Requirements and rubric:

Part 1 - User Stories - Total 20 points

    1. Clarity of Ticket: 5 points
    • Tickets clear and adds enough detail.
    • Ticket type should match the type of task it is.
    • Has a good mix of these types of tickets including feature tickets, chore/research tickets, design tasks, bug tickets(which will be needed once you start building and testing).
    1. Relevance to App idea: 5 points
    • Addresses app idea at different stages of development.
    • Aligns with project goals
    1. Acceptance Criteria: 5 points
    • Must have a well defined Definition of Done in the title or description.
    1. Writing Quality and Presentatio: 5 points
    • User story is well written with zero grammatical or spelling errors.
  • See:CPNT-201 Day 4 Achievement as an example of previous project board work.

Part 2 - Wireframe and Design - Total 20 points

    1. Mood Board: 10 points
    • Color pallettes (3-5 colors per pallette)
    • Typography (2-3 type faces per group)
    • Screenshots of user interface (ui) elements on at least 3 other websites
      • headers and hero sections
      • navigation
      • lists
      • cards
      • call to action
      • 1 section of content that shows good visual hierarchy
    • See: DSGN 270 Assignment 1 for more details/instructions
    1. Wireframes/Mockups/Prototype: 10 points
    • Complete either low-fidelity wireframes or high-fidelity mockups for at least 5 screens based on a well defined User Story related to your project.
    • Submit screencaps of your wireframes to Brightspace.
    • 5 bonus points available for:
      • use of components
      • interactive prototype