CPNT 265

Achievements Round 2

Weight: 30%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.

Proof of Work

Earn points for working on your Final Project!

Present the work you’ve done so far in your projects.

Marking rubric

Content for each section will form 50% of the marks

Flowchart: 5 points

  • Share a flowchart of a complex process you implemented in your project. The scope should not be trivial and it should help you plan the software implementation of a software feature.
  • Submit a link (Figma, LucidCharts, etc) in Brightspace.

User stories: 5 points

  • Share Project board as part of presentation.
  • Ensure work is flowing through the board(some items in Todo, in progress and completed)
  • Board should have at least 8 items.
  • Take a screenshot of your project board and submit in Brightspace.
    • Submit a link to project board in Brightspace.

Pull Requests: 5 points

  • Share at least 3 pull requests linked to different features in your app.
    • Submit a link to the PRs in Brightspace.

Project App Presentation: 15 points

  • Present your codebase.
  • Describe the entry point of your application and how the components arfe nested for both the backend and the front end
  • Describe the API(either internally created API or external API used) and how it is implemented in your app.
  • Share a link to the github repo.
  • Share a link to the deployed app either using vercel, netlify or pages.