CPNT 265

Final Project Presentation

Weight: 40%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.


  • Single presenter: 5 minutes
  • Group of 2: 10 minutes
  • 3-5 minutes of Q & A after each presentation

Marking Rubric

Your presentation will be marked. All sections will be worth a total of 40points.

Stage Presence - 10 points

  • Dress: Business casual or better
  • Speak clearly
    • Good audio
    • Limit “ums” and “ahs”
  • Smooth speaker transitions
  • Smooth screen sharing
  • Stage work
    • Limit self-deprecation
    • Don’t announce problems if the audience doesn’t need to know
  • Have backup and contingency plans in case something goes wrong
  • Pizazz (optional)
    • Sound effects
    • Theme song(s)

Content - 20points

  • Technically based:
    • Includes technology covered in class
    • New technology learned outside of class
    • Proper use of domain-specific terminology
  • Mix of mediums
    • Lecture
    • Live-code
    • Slides
    • Demo
  • Interactive: ways of including the audience (optional)
    • Companion documents
    • Instructions or step-by-steps
    • Posting links in the chat

Time limit - 10points

  • Individual: 4-6 minutes for full marks.
  • Group: 9-11 minutes for full marks.
  • Extra mark deduction if moderator has to stop you.

Submission instructions

  • Submit repo links to GitHub
  • Submit links to deployed pages
  • Submit links to figma or any other wireframes that was used in the project
  • Submit links to project board