CPNT 265 Capstone/Requirements gathering and documentation

Today we will begin to formulate and share your capstone project ideas


  • Think of projects that you’d like to do for your CPNT-265 capstone project.
  • Consider incorporating all the learnings you have done since the beginning of the program.
  • Implement something new learned outside of class.


  • Project Requirements & Expectations

    • Ensure you’re using the right tools(git, branching, deployment, project management like trello, clickup etc).
    • You need to create a wireframe and or component crafting using figma or any other design tools.
    • Your project must include HTML & CSS(Tailwind CSS).
    • Store or generate data using a CMS tool or generate a DB from scratch with sql or NoSql.
    • Create your backend server/API or use external APIs.
    • Use one front end frameworks (Vue or React). No vanilla javascript.
    • Ensure your app is deployed to either a vercel, netlify, render or github pages.
  • Achievement 1 - 30%

    • Due: Wednesday, April 03, 2024
    • At the end of day 3, each person presents a detailed plan of how they will execute their project, their wire framing and design samples.
  • Achievement 2 - 30%

    • Due: Wednesday, April 10, 2024
    • At the end of day 8, each person or group will demo the work they have so far regarding the front end and the back end.
  • Final Presentation - 40%

    • Due: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
    • Instructor will be present in class to discuss any challenging topics in Javascript, html, css or design or anything else.
  • Got any Questions - HTML, CSS, Tailwind, JS or Vue?

Project idea generation and planning

  • Define project objectives, target audience, and goals

Market and web research

  • Conduct market research to identify competitors and trends
  • Identify inspiration websites or apps)

Define key features and functionalities

  • Set the key features and functionalities needed for your app
  • Set Timeline and budget.

Requirement Gathering and Documentation

  • Gather detailed requirements from stakeholders
  • Plan and document functional and non-functional requirements
  • Create user stories and use cases
  • Develop wireframes and mockups for the website layout and user interface.


  • Present your idea to the group.
  • Get feedback from your peers.