Development - Front end

Today you will get started on building your app's front end.


  • Do you have need for users to make post or update requests?
  • Are there any database, cms, or server side questions that you have?
  • Today is the day to address these types of issues and functionalities



At the beginning of today’s class, there will be a class sprint:

  1. What have you done so far?
  2. What are you working on today?
  3. Are there any blockers? (challenges either with content or external that are stopping you from moving forward)

Front end development

  • Set up your project repository(initialiize the README file)
  • Set up your deployment using netlify, vercel or pages.
  • Implement frontend functionalities using a front end framework(Vue or React, Next, Svelte or any other frameworks you’re interested in.
  • Implement your design in your code.