DSGN 270

Sprint Activity 1 - Visual Hierarchy Document

Weight: 10%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.


  1. Copy this google doc of the abovenoted wikipedia article (you are welcome to use microsoft word instead of google docs)
  2. Rename the article so that it includes your name in the filename. ie: Lastname Firstname - Visual Hierarchy Format Activity
  3. Format the article by applying headings. Make sure to nest h2 in h1 and so on. Use the outline feature of the word processor to view the results of your formatting
  4. Apply 5 different principles of visual hierarchy to your document. Get creative but focus on enhancing the visual hierarchy of the document.
  5. In a bulleted list under the “Principles of Design Usage” heading, write a 1-2 sentence description of each principle used, why you used it, and how it improved the document


  • 5 points for properly applying and nesting headings
  • 5 points for applying 5 different principles of visual hierarchy
    • 0.5 point per principle
    • 0.5 point for bulleted description of how you used it (Note the heading at the bottom of the document)
  • Note: Quality should be at least as good as that of the actual wikipedia article

Submission Instructions

  • Attach your document to the submission (it must be a doc, docx, or odt file format)
  • Also share a link (make sure it’s set to view) in the text box of your submission