DSGN 270

Sprint Activity 4 - Usability Testing

Weight: 10%


Late Penalty: 10% deduction for each day late. Submissions will not be accepted more than three days late.


  1. Pick a website to test (it can be yours or a live publically accessible site)
  2. Pick 1 functionality or user flow of the site for a user to test
    • come up with 3-5 tasks that the user can do that are relevant to your goal
  3. Find a volunteer to conduct a user test on a live website (site can be something you made or someone elses site)
  • The user should be from outside of class.
  • Make sure you have consent from your user to record them.
  • Use the consent resources from steve krug’s website
  1. Conduct your test:
  • First get the user to do a walk through of the home page, note the things they notice and any likes or dislikes
  • Second, ask them to do the task that you previously noted. Ask them to do this in a prompt format
    • ie: Where would you go to learn x on this website?
  1. Document the test and write down your findings. Use a mix of recording and note taking. When you’re done, write up a test summary report that includes the following info report should be a docx file or pdf use bullet points and clear headings. (these 2 documents, the notes and the report, will be the final submissions for the assignment)
  • Site title
  • Type of site
  • Non-identifiable description of your user and how they use their computer and the internet (include mobile if relevant)
  • Notes from home page walk through: identify pain points and things they like, brief notes on why
  • User test tasks (should be headings)
  • Notes from user performing task
  • Recommendation of changes to be made with priority levels
    • 1 = Urgent and Important Do First
    • 2 = Not Urgent and Important Schedule
    • 3 = Urgent but not Important Delegate
    • 4 = Not Urgent and Not Important Nice to Have


  • Up to 5 points for your notes on the test
    • clearly outlines the user’s steps
    • notes specific challenges and likes from the user
    • 1-2 pages of notes (points will be deducted for less than 3/4 a page)
  • Up to 5 points for Test Report
    • summarizes findings
    • prioritized recommendation list
  • Bonus points for submission of a recording of the test

Submission Instructions

  • In the text box of your submission, attach a link to your notes document and a link to your report
  • Attach the document files to your submission as well (make sure they are clearly labelled)