Software and Workspace Setup

The first two days of CPNT 201 will show you how to set up your file folders (i.e. your workspace) and software so we can hit the ground running for HTML and CSS next week!


  • Due 3pm today: Follow the White Rabbit Achievement
    • Weight: 2.5% of CNT 201
  • Assignment 1 will be announced tomorrow.

Scrum Meeting

  1. What did you work on yesterday? (outside of lecture time)
  2. What are you working on today?
  3. Are there any blockers? (challenges either with content or external that are stopping you from moving forward)

1. Installing all the things

Today you will be installing some tools you’ll need for the rest of the program:

  1. VS Code
  2. Git (and Git Bash for Windows users)
  3. Firefox


2. Setting up your workspace

Web development (all software development, actually) requires you to work with a lot of files. In this program, we don’t prescribe (i.e. tell you how to do it) how you should organize your files and projects but here we list some tips and best practices.


3. Group Activity: Hobbies!

In groups of 3-4, take turns answering the following questions:

  • What’s your favourite hobby at the moment? Why do you like it?
  • How can you recognize a high level of skill in your hobby? Low level of skill?
  • Were you excellent at that hobby when you first started?
  • How did you get better? Why do you keep trying?

Pick a representative from your group to summarize your discussion at the end of the activity.

4. Command Line Basics

Most of the command line tools you use as a developer (like Git, Node and npm) will assume that you are in the root directory (i.e. top folder) of your project. We will cover the three system commands that help up us navigate the file system.


Today's Achievement

Weight: 2.5% of your CPNT 201 mark

Follow the White Rabbit

This is a command line exercise for practicing basic file system navigation commands:

  • pwd: Display your present (working) directory
  • ls: List directory contents
  • cd: Change directory


  1. Download and expand/extract the files;
  2. Move these files into today’s in-class folder;
  3. Using your terminal, find the white rabbit by navigating to it;
    • Hint: It’s in the basement of the cottage!
  4. Take a screencap of your terminal history to show how you found the White Rabbit;
  5. Upload your screencap to today’s Achievement dropbox in Brightspace.


This achievement will be marked out of 2.5 points based on:

  • Did you use an in-class folder dated today? Did you follow naming conventions?
  • Did you find the White Rabbit?
  • How many cd commands did it take to find it? A single cd command will receive the most marks.

Lesson Prep

Software Setup
