Introduction to Git and GitHub Pages

Today you will be introduced to version control using Git. We will configure Git, set up a GitHub account and deploy our first website!


  • Recap of web tools and techniques(Git, vscode, file naming conventions and command line)

  • Assignment 1 Announced

    • Weight: 20% of CPNT 201 final mark
    • Due: Wednesday, January 17th @ 11:59pm

1. Introduction to Git

Git and Github

2. Cloning our first (read-only) repo


  1. Create a read-only directory in your workspace;
  2. Navigate to this directory in your terminal;
    • Pro-tip: You can open the embedded terminal in VS Code!
  3. Open the Clone Happy activity and clone some code!


3. First-time Git Config Setup

Cloning 3rd party repos is great, but we’d like to create our own repos eventually (i.e. today!). But first, we need to set our name and email in Git.


4. Publishing our First Website

Now that we’ve set up Git, let’s actually use it!


Today's Achievement

Weight: 2.5% of your CPNT 201 mark

Deployed GitHub Pages repo

In today’s daily achievement dropbox, submit the following links:

  1. A GitHub repo with at least one commit pushed from your local machine;
  2. A deployed GitHub Pages link for your GH repo.