Pull Requests and JS Review

This session, we'll cover how to request changes to a 3rd-party repo using a Pull Request.


Javascript Review

Git any questions about any Javascript you’ve covered so far?

  • Expressions(produces a value) vs statements(performs an action (combination of expressions))
  • Primitive/Basic JS data types(strings(string literals), numbers, booleans, undefined vs null);
  • Complex data types (arrays, objects and functions)
  • DOM Manipulation

Pull Requests

Slides: Git workflows


Today's Achievement

Creating a Pull Request

We will all work together on creating a bookstore app using javascript. Each person will have the opportunity to improve the starter app using some of the concepts learned in javascript.

  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the fork to your workspace.
  3. Choose an Issue and fix it.
    • Optional: make your changes within a separate branch.
  4. Push your changes to GitHub.
  5. Create a Pull Request.
  6. Add a comment to your Pull Request with content of your choice.

Submission Instructions

Submit the following links to Brightspace:

  • The Pull Request you created;
  • The Issue you fixed;
  • The GH repo of your fork;