Hi Fidelity Design Mockups

For our last day of design, we will learn how to make a hi fidelity mockup of a web page. We will make use of figma components, design systems, frames and grids, image imports, and vector editing.

Prep Materials


Usability Testing In Class Practice

  • see slides from day 7

Design Assets

While not necessary, it’s a good idea to set up your design assets like colors and fonts prior to building components. This allows you to make stylistic changes globally with little effort.

Set up Colors, Fonts, and Grids

Figma Design Systems Tutorials


  • Remember from our earlier classes of color selection (these are some suggestions to work from): - 1 primary color: the main theme of the site (a good option for having 3+ shades) - 1 secondary color: a complementary color (also good for having 3+ shades) - 1 accent color: used for buttons, hover, interactions (this color should be clear on your theme colors)

Activity: Use a Plugin to Generate Colors and Fonts

  • Search the figma community plugins for a color generator
  • Generate a couple colors

In Class Design Along

I will go step by step (following the steps below) to make a small high fidelity navbar, hero section, and 3 card layout. The goal is for everyone to be able to design along with me and ask questions as we go.

Hi Fidelity Mockup Steps

  1. Prep your design assets first (only uses colors and fonts from your defined styles)
  2. Set up your grid on the main frame (used for creating the layout)
  3. Sketch out a wireframe to follow
  4. Get image and icon assets
  5. Start Designing
  6. When Finished, review labels and groupings —> Optimize

Lab Time

- Add to the mockup that we made in class (add to it, tweak it etc) - Create a new hi fidelity mockup

Today's Achievement

Sprint Activity 4: Conduct a usability Test

  • Due March 10th
  • Weight: 10%
  • Conduct a usability test following the guidelines of Steve Krug
  • Ash recommends that you use a site that is similar to what you’d like to make for a final capstone

Assignment 3: Create a Hi Fidelity Mockup

  • Due March 15th
  • Weight: 20%
  • Create a single hi fidelity mockup for a webpage or app
  • Apply the skills and design principles learned in previous assignments
  • Practice design maintainability by using a design system