Dynamic Components


Scrum Session

  • what have you been working on?
  • what do you plan to be doing?
  • do you have any blocks?


  • Find ui elements that are repeated on a web page with different content (ie: a button, card, accordion layout, header…)
  • mood board as a team and sketch out the props and classes that change on implementation
  • use sticky notes to document specifically the fields that require information
  • TIP: any e-commerce store will have a lot of examples to draw from


  • Components separate our code just like modules, but a single file vue component bundles in the needed logic, content, and style into 1 file
  • A static component doesnt’ need any props or anything. however usually a component will take props to get more mileage out of the component


  • Use props to pass information from parent components to child components
  • props are one way binding for 2 way binding, use v-model
  • Documentation

A little on defining props

  • if you are going to edit the prop data in the script, write this:
const props = defineProps({
	// props go here
  • if you are not going to edit the props with javascript, you can do this:
	// props go here
  • Create an AppButton.vue Component (or AppLink)
  • Give it a text and href prop
  • Use it in a page header section (with a primary and secondary action)
    • ie: Learn More | Shop Now

Activity 2: Add style props

  • Class and style bindings
  • Extend your button’s design by giving it the ability to change color
  • Pick a convention:
    • primary and secondary props are predetermined with set colors
    • can take a developer defined color and add it to styles
    • pass a tailwind color into it
    • default as secondary, use a primary flag to turn on primary colors
  • code tips:
    • use ternary operators, class bindings, and boolean logic

Today's Achievement

Component Lab Activity

Extra challenge Lab Activity: Use components with a filtered list of data

  • bring together computed props, v-for (for list rendering in the template) and a component that uses props to render content
  • characters, shopping lists, todo lists are all good examples for this
  • create a repo with vue
  • bonus: try deploying to vercel