Conditionals and Computed Props


Quick Morning Demo: Adding Tailwind to Vue

Code Spike Session

A code spike is a focused intensive learn about a particular topic. Today we’ll be focused on pre-setting filtered values to improve app performance

  • Code this in a vue file in codepen

  • In your groups, Practice working with filter and reduce

  • discuss briefly use cases for these two methods. search google and prompt ai for ideas if needed

  • Everyone should pick 1 application of 1 of these methods (try to have 2 and 2)

  • Work off of the following gists for some more ideas on how to use it

Instructions and Tips


  • Discuss and demonstrate your filters and reductions to one another.
  • share code and/or experiment with each other’s implementations

Computed Properties

  • Computed docs
  • Use computed properties in your script tag to avoid adding logic to your template
  • computed properties are less reactive and resource hungry than methods
  • Use them for things like:
    • organizing a list by A-Z or Z-A
    • making calculations
    • modifying template content
  • To use a computed property, simply add it’s name to the {{ }} where you would put a normal variable’s name
  • Try it out in the vue playground link on this page

Activity: Set up computed props

  • Use the filters and reductions from our first activity
  • as these are often used for calculations that don’t change, create a list of content (users, characters, products…) (have 3-10 elements)
  • set up a filtered and/or a sorted versions of the data in the script tags
    • ie:
    const characters = [{...}, {...}]
    const goodCharacters = // filtered version of characters
    const badCharacters = // filtered version of characters
    const sortedByAgeCharacters = // use sort
  • however do this using vue’s computed syntax so that the functions do not need to run on the users system

Conditional Rendering

Vue has a few ways for you to render content under different contitions

  • The primary one is v-if/v-else which removes and adds element from and to the DOM
  • another approach is v-show which is like setting something to hidden. This is less costly and better for toggles (things that are switched back and forth between)
  • you can put a v-if directly on template tags, giving you the ability to have completely different layouts given specific conditions
  • You will want to deal with most of the logic for conditional logic in the script tags, these directives are for the last step of the conditional lifecycle

Activity: Conditional Rendering in Components

  • Make a component that renders different content based on prop values
    • ie: if name === 'Shaggy' render a picture of a scooby snack, else render the mystery machine
    • you could also use numerical values arguably easier to start
    • remember the {:else} clause
  • Render styles differently based a prop boolean:
    • ie: a feature card might be different from an info card in few enough ways to use the same component but with conditional rendering
      • suggestion: set the InfoCard to be a default in the {:else} and have the Feature card include a button and more visual prominance or something
      • for the prop, you can do this with a boolean prop

Today's Achievement

Put it all together

  • In a vue project (this could be in codepen)
  • Use all of the techniques learned today to create the basis for a filtering system.
  • Use your filtered data from this morning to establish the logic
  • Based on filtered fields, use v-if/v-else and/or v-show
  • Set up input fields that would make sense regarding your data
  • Practice extending and adding other features or filters