Server Side Code



Coding Warmup: Async Functions

  • Yesterday we fetched data using asynchronous functions and get requests.
  • Let’s build on this by enhancing and optimizing our brute force code
  • Codepen Starter Code

Step 1: Code Walkthrough

  • note where code could be enhanced (make it versatile)
  • note where the code could be DRYer (make it reusable)
  • note where there should be error handling

Step 2: Optimization

  • break up functions so they are more evenly scoped
  • add arguments
  • test to make sure you can pass different information

Step 3: Clean it up

  • Add error handling
  • Get rid of unnecessary code
  • Get rid of unnecessary comments
  • Update naming conventions as necessary

A Simple Node HTTP Server

Basic Syntax:

const http = require("http");

const hostname = ""; // Localhost
const port = 3000;

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  res.statusCode = 200;
  res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
  res.end("Hello, World!\n");

server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
  console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);

Activity: Serve an HTML file using a node http server

  • Follow the instructions on this page
    • it demonstrates also how to use csv data, json data, and js data. however for this we’ll focus on servering a simple html file
    • this is basically what the live server plugin is doing behind the scenes when you were making sites in cpnt-260

Node Express (a very abbreviated intro)

  • Express puts the E in MERN, MEVN, and MEAN stacks (react, vue, and angular respectively)
  • It is a server micro library
  • Modern frameworks like Sveltekit, NextJS, and NuxtJS support server side routes
  • However you may work on projects that have a separate backend (or you might just really like backend development)
  • A standalone backend will give you more control over ports and how everything works, but it’s much more challenging to configure and get working

Server API Routes in Nuxt

  • Documentation
  • in ./server/api/ add .js files for your various api calls.
    • you can do this for data you are hosting as well
  • then in your vue files, fetch the data with the useFetch() composable function
    • const { data } = await useFetch('/api/hello'
    • you might need to work with the data in your script tags. however if the logic needed to edit the data to make it easy to render gets too complex, or if it could be reused - move it to the composables/ directory.

Activity: fetch from the disney api in Nuxt

  • use the logic that we made in codepen
  • start simple, get just basic data to log
  • then pass that data to a vue file
  • then render it using the appropriate template syntax

Today's Achievement

Team Sprint Planning: 30 min (if your team hasn't done this yet this week)

  • Take a few minutes to check in on where everyone’s at
  • Set objectives for the week
  • Create issues in your Github project (these will be the steps to secure your objectives)
    • make sure to include a Definition of Done for each task so it’s clear what needs to happen
  • Assign tasks to team members


  • work on your group project
  • practice moving more of our disney fetch code into nuxt