Nuxt Dynamic Routes & State Management


Logic Warmup: The Fox, Goose, and Corn Problem

- A farmer needs to get a fox, goose, and bag of corn across a river - the farmer can only move 1 at a time


  • The fox cannot be alone with the goose
  • The goose cannot be alone with the corn

Solve with your team

  • Outline an algorithmic approach (pseudocode) to solving the fox, goose, and corn problem

Dynamic Routes in Nuxt

Demo Repository

  • this repo shows how to use the different types of syntax that you may need
    • it shows client side external fetch and server side external fetch
    • it also shows how to pass data from your own endpoints
    • and it shows how to use the nuxt content module
  • Take advantage of these patterns in relation to examples on the official documentation
  • Dynamic routes are created by using [] around a keyword (either id or slug)

File structure (Client Side)

  • your folder structure for a blog would look something like this (for the pages)
        index.vue | the collection page
        [id].vue  | the individual user pages

File structure (server side)

  • this should match how you’re working in the pages for the easiest workflow
  • the [id].js is creating a server api route for each user

Client side data fetching

  • in the vue files, use useFetch() to query from either your or an exernal api
const { id } = useRoute().params;
const { data } = await useFetch(`/api/users/${id}`);

Server side data fetching

 const id =;
 const data = await fetchData(`${id}`);


All frontend frameworks have a way of handling state, these are usually referred to as stores

Component State vs Global State vs localStorage

  • localStorage can be used to save information in a client’s browser. Like session storage, this can be useful for seamless UX, however it can open up security issues… and conflates your app’s storage with the client’s storage
  • Stores are great for data that is manipulated by many pages and/or components
  • Pinia Stores
  • Nuxt built in state management

Types of Stores

  • writable: data can be modified by “subscribers” (components)
    • use for data that components should change
  • readable: data can only be read by “subscribers”
    • use for data that should only be read

Example 1: Global Readable Data

  • Set up a store with reusable data
  • Render the data on multiple routes and components

Example 2: Multi Component Counter

  • Goal: Break a counter up into multiple components
  • render the value on a second page to demonstrate how it can be updated

Activity 1: Build a nav toggle with useState

  • create a simple mobile navigation with a toggle
  • instead of declaring the togglable variable with a ref(), use useState()

Activity 2: Create global store variables

  • create a /store/ directory and add a counter or other file
  • set up some stateful variables as per the abovelinked docs
  • add the variables to 2 different pages or components
  • (extra) create the ability to change the data in one place,
    • but make sure it just reflects the updated data automatically in the other

Today's Achievement

Lab Activities

  1. Check in with group (required) 15 minute standup
    • what did you do yesterday?
    • what are you doing today?
    • do you have any blocks or need support?
  2. Plan out what you’re going to focus on during the hackathon
    • outline objectives
    • identify potential challenges
    • delegate tasks