Introduction to Javascript

Moving away from Scratch, we will learn about how Javascript fits into the browser triad. this class focuses on syntax basics with small practical examples.


Morning Activity: Merge and Implement our Intersection Code!

Phase 1: Talk it out (All hands)

  • Outline the overarching goal and parameters
  • Review and note each others control flow logic
    • does anything need to change to work together?
  • Visualize the functions with props
  • Each group should note some changes that they can make to their part of the program

Phase 2: Code it (In teams)

  • Make the changes to your algorithms as per all hands discussion
  • Simulate with props to test
  • Write the code down (1 algorithm per page) and label each one clearly based on what it does
  • Create any other props needed
  • Decide on who will execute the program commands and who will operate as variables in the program
    • 1 command executor (declares the action)
    • 1-2 variables (does the action)
    • 1 logger (takes notes)

Phase 3: Run the Program (All hands)

  • Now we’ll pull it all together!
  • The ‘variable’ will play out the commands executed by the ‘functions’ using props
  • Then let’s see how many times we crash the program!
  • Document causes of crashes and note potential solutions

Phase 4: Bugfix and Optimize (In teams & all hands)

  • (all hands) debrief on what worked and what needed to change
  • (in teams) modify code to fix bugs noted by logger and in the all hands
  • write alterted scripts out as declarative statements with logic

Phase 5: Test (all hands)

  • We’ll finish up by running the program again
  • Logger will note changes in outcomes and overall behavior
  • Debrief on how the bugfixes worked

1. Introduction to Javascript

Introduction to Javascript

Key Takeaways

  • The Browser Triad is HTML for content, CSS for presentation, and JS for behaviour
  • Javascript runs in and out of the browser
  • Add JS to HTML by using a <script src="" type=""></script> tag
  • camelCase for multi word variables
  • JS is case sensitive
  • Use whitespace to make code readable

Activity: Create javascript variables

  • we don’t need to go super deep with this, focus on declaring variables that do not change with const and ones that do change with let
  • use strings and numbers for now

2. Demo: Using the Browser console

Activity: Experiment with the browser console

  • Try using console.log() to print out text
    • try using words inside and outside of quotations
    • try using numbers inside and outside of qutotations
    • what are the differences
  • Create a variable (use the following syntax)
    • const myName = "insert your name here" (use any sentence and variable name u want)
  • Log the variable that you created with console.log(myName) (use the varaible name that you created)


  • What errors did you run into?
    • How did you solve them?

3. Declaring and assigning variables

Slides - declaring and assigning variables


Key Takeaways (Variables)

  • Declaration creates a variable in memory
  • Assignment puts a value in a variable
  • const variables can be reassigned
  • let variables can be reassigned
  • default to const
  • use descriptive variable names with camelCase


  • Open up Scratch and take a look at what you’ve been working on
  • What would be comparable to const and let variables in Scratch?

Key Takeaways (Types)

  • Primitive types = numbers, strings, booleans, null, and undefined
  • Complex types = arrays, objects, functions

Data Types Activity

  • In the browser console, try making and logging one of each of these variable types.
    • string
    • number
    • boolean
    • array
    • object
  • Use whatever names and content you want, I recommend to pick a movie, game, or something and pull from that

Today's Achievement

Work through the first 15-30 free code camp exercises

  • After completing, screenshot the curriculum screen to show which ones you did/how far you got
  • Submit screenshots to the dailies dropbox item in Brightspace
  • Include any questions that you would like addressed in class regarding any of the problems presented in the exercises
    • I’ll review and try to address the questions tomorrow