- Meet with your partner for the final assignment of 262 and get a foundation planned for your project.
- set up a project board in your repo (high level)
- discuss each other’s roles and areas where you anticipate difficult
- Create a quick moodboard for your project
30 Min: Planning Phase
- Outline your scope/goals for this hackathon (less is more)
- Sketch wireframes of the pages you intend to build today
- Make a note about what your followup steps will be after the hackathon
- Initialize the repo and set up permissions (if you haven’t yet), set up a dev branch if you plan to use branching
- Divide up your work
Class Scrum
- Each team update on what you're going to be working on
- primary objectives
Hack Time
- Working on the group project
- Work anywhere you want on campus
2:00PM Retro Presentations
- each team gives a quick update on what they accomplished