String & Array Methods

We will expand our knowledge of built in string and array methods by comparing the two.


  • Look up javascript string methods
    • try to use 5 of them with sample content in a js file
    • note at least 1 example per method of an application of where it would be useful.
  • Try the Javascript array methods tutorial

String Methods

Slides - Javascript strings

Activity: Code Spike String Methods

A code spike is a short focused study on a technical aspect of a project with the objective of testing whether or not the code/library/approach etc will be viable. This often involves communicating details about the code spike with other members of a team.

You will get to do a mini version of this in your scrum groups where you’ll each spend a bit of time researching some code and demonstrate how to use it to one another.

20 min - Code Learning & Practice

In your scrum groups, Each of you will pick a use case oriented category and explore the string methods associated with it (take a couple minutes to divide them up before you start). choose from the following

  • Data Validation and Sanitization:
    • Methods: startsWith(), endsWith(), includes(), toLowerCase(), toUpperCase(), trim()
  • Text Processing and Manipulation:
    • Methods: join(), replace(), substring(), indexOf(), pop(), shift, unshift(), slice(), splice()
  • Formatting and Presentation:
    • Methods: repeat(), toLowerCase(), toUpperCase(), trim()
  • User Input Handling:
    • Methods: trim(), toLowerCase(), toUpperCase(), split(), join(), replace().

Take note of a use case for each method and provide a simple demo to your teammates of how to use it.

10 minutes: Mini Demos

Take turns explaining 2 of your methods to each other and what they do. Focus on the differences between them as they will all be similar but with minor variances.

  • Explain what you were learning how to do and common use cases
  • Demonstrate 2 methods with a simple example
  • Discuss a key takeaway that you gained from this code spike.

Array Methods

Slides - Javascript array methods

Key Takeaways

  • JS provides powerful methods for editing array elements
  • .forEach(), .map(), .filter(), .reduce(), .slice(), .sort(), .includes() are all highly specialized

Activity: Code Spike Array Methods

This is the same as the first activity, however you’ll be looking at array methods this time.

20 min - Code Learning & Practice

Just like before, choose from the following topics:

Take note of a use case for each method and provide a simple demo to your teammates of how to use it.

  • Iteration and Manipulation:
    • forEach(callbackFunction): Execute a function for each element.
    • map(callbackFunction): Create a new array by applying a function to each element.
    • filter(callbackFunction): Create a new array with elements that pass a test.
    • reduce(callbackFunction, initialValue): Reduce the array to a single value by applying a function.
  • Searching and Filtering:
    • indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex): Find the first occurrence of an element.
    • lastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex): Find the last occurrence of an element.
    • includes(searchElement, fromIndex): Check if the array contains an element.
    • find(callbackFunction): Find the first element that passes a test.
    • findIndex(callbackFunction): Find the index of the first element that passes a test.
  • Adding, Removing, and Sorting:
    • push(element): Add an element to the end of the array.
    • pop(): Remove and return the last element from the array.
    • shift(): Remove and return the first element from the array.
    • unshift(element): Add an element to the beginning of the array.
    • sort(compareFunction): Sort the elements of the array in place.
    • splice(startIndex, deleteCount, …items): Add/remove elements at a specific index.
  • Data Transformation and Aggregation:
    • concat(…arrays): Combine multiple arrays into a single array.
    • slice(start, end): Extract a part of the array based on index positions.
    • join(separator): Join an array of strings into a single string with a separator.
    • every(callbackFunction): Check if all elements pass a test.
    • flat(depth): Flatten an array of nested arrays to a single level.

10 minutes: Mini Demos

Take turns explaining your methods to each other and what they do. Focus on the differences between them as they will all be similar but with minor variances.

  • Explain what you were learning how to do and common use cases
  • Demonstrate 2 methods with simple examples
  • Discuss a key takeaway that you gained from this code spike.

Today's Achievement

Mini Assignment 3

  • Due:: Sunday February 18
  • Weight: 5%
  • Objective: Solve small control flow challenges