Object Methods

We will introduce the concept of this and built in vs custom object methods. This class requires a basic understanding of functions, methods, and objects.


Morning Activity 1: Working with Code

Player Randomizer Code Optimization

  1. Discuss optimizations and do a code walk through of the player randomizer repo
    • identify how to dry code out
    • identify fragile code
    • identify important functionality
  2. Comment and prep the repo for code optimization
  • Create a simple carousel toggle with 2 buttons
  • Work in small bursts (as compared to the longer demo from yesterday’s code)


  • At key points during the demo, everyone will have some time to practice working with the code
  • Important steps:
    • set up an array to toggle through
    • create a function to increment in 1 direction ++
    • create a function to decrement in the other direction —
    • Limit the increment and decrement to only loop through the array items

Bring a Webpage to Life with Javascript

  • Due:: Tuesday March 5
  • Weight: 20%
  • Objective: Use your knowledge of JS to give a wepage better functionality

Morning Activity 2: Draft a pitch for the hackathon

  • Come up with a few potential things to work on (262-assignment 1 is a good option)
    • pick topics and content focus
    • brainstorm and ideate
  • Draft a sayable statement (1-2 sentences) of the problem that you are trying to solve
    • not code focused, what does the user get out of your app
    • It does not need to be unique. In fact it’s a good idea to do something that’s got lots of examples to work off of
  • If you have time left over, do some research for tutorials, docs, concepts etc.

1. Object Methods

Object Methods

Key Takeaways

  • Objects are challenging because you cant loop through them the way you can with arrays
  • However if you need to access an object’s properties in this way, you can use these methods
  • Other object methods can be used to prevent future changes to an object’s properties, duplicate an object, and other tasks

2. Creating Object Methods

  • These are different from the methods that we looked at above
    • They work more like array methods instead of accessing the Object constructor
  • Objects may need to be able to perform actions themselves
  • to do this, you can add functions into the k/v pairs of objects
  • gives access to a scoped this
const obj = {
  propertyOne: "Object Name",
  methodOne () {
    return this.propertyOne
  • You can then run the method like this:

3. Local Storage

- Store information in the users's browser - This is useful for understanding how state and advanced features will work

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Data doesn’t expire and can be accessed offline
  • more secure than cookie storage
  • Greater storage capacity


  • It’s synchronous (things happen 1 at a time)
    • small bits of data, user won’t notice but larger amounts could cause a slowdown
  • Don’t use to store sensitive data
  • Data can only be strings
  • Too much data will slow down the application

Local Storage, Cookies, Session Storage

  • Difference between these two ways of storing information

Today's Achievement

Lab Activity: Extending site functionality with third party libraries

  • Extend your site’s functionality with third party libraries.
    • these can reduce the amount of code that you manually have to write
    • this allows you to integrate different features
    • common libraries to use:

Activity: Experiment with a library

  • Pick a 3rd party library from the abovenoted list
  • Follow it’s introductory tutorial
  • Deploy a github repo featuring your work