Review Day

Last day of 260! Let's review and extend what we've covered.


  • Assignment 3

    • Weight: 10%
    • Due: Today, Friday, February 02 @ 11:59pm
  • Assignment 4

    • Weight: 10%
    • Due: Tuesday February 06, @ 11:59pm
  • Final Project Announced

    • Weight: 30%
    • Due: Tuesday, February 13 @ 11:59pm

Review Day

Submit topics that you’d like to review or ones that we haven’t covered in this course.

Today's Achievement

This achievement will be worth double: 6 points toward your final mark in this course.

Presentations start at 12:30pm

You have the option to present with a partner for a 10-minute talk

Show and Tell

Do a 5-minute (10-minute if you’re in pairs) talk on a topic related to the course. It could be:

  • Something you learned in this course;
  • A demo of something you built;
  • A tutorial on how to use a tool;
  • An awesome [thing here] you found online.
  • etc, etc.


  • The length of your talk must be 5 (or 10 with a partner) minutes +/- 2.5 minutes;